Three of Swords
Written & Directed by Asha Bynoe-Berry
A spiritually inclined gal must overcome her delusions in love with an emotionally detached lover
Passionate and naive, Rage can’t shake the love she has for emotionally detached, Tyshaun, who is blinded by his own love scars. Rage must work from within to break free from her delusions, and find acceptance . “Three of Swords” is a story about the innocence of new love, toxic attachment, love that isn’t meant to be, heartbreak and self discovery.
Why we are not using GoFundMe/Seed&Spark/etc.
There is no guarantee of success with these platforms. Just because we start a campaign does not mean we are going to receive the money that we need. We do not want to waste anyone's time or money. Everything donated here will go directly to the project the moment it is donated. Here, on this platform, we will receive 100% of your donations whereas on other crowdfunding platforms they take up to 8% of your donations.
These platforms lack full accessibility and are built to cater to those with "proper documentation and paperwork." This is a multicultural crew with family and networks outside of the U.S. and we want to be able to connect with those who are outside of the stereotypical guidelines of these crowdfunding platforms.
This website that we have built gives us complete control. Here, we are not limited to a cookie cutter style of communication. We want to be able to update you and let you know exactly how your money is being spent and when.
Message From the Director
The story of “Three of Swords” is something that has changed me as a young woman navigating life and love. Love had a way of forcing me to grow into a stronger person and to realize that there is so much more to life than accepting the treatment you think you deserve. I see instances like Rage’s and mine almost everyday on social media, and with the people around me in real life. This story is so REAL. I aim to tell it in a new, creative, artistic way for the world to see.
-Asha Bynoe-Berry